In the post-pandemic world, employee wellbeing has become a top priority among leaders in the workplace.
“I think it’s important to recognize that employees are really a company’s only renewable resource. Employees are impacted by things happening in the workplace – both positive and negative,” said Steelcase Wellness Navigator, Gary Strehlke. Namely, culture and space in the workplace have a significant impact on employee wellbeing and mental health. However, there are many ways that employers can improve and alter the workplace so that it is committed and designed ideally to employee wellbeing.
There are four key components that have a great and positive impact on bettering the workplace environment for employee wellbeing.
1. Active Design

2. Biophilia
Check out the biophilic moss wall solution, BizziMood, designed to create a more relaxed and calmer atmosphere.

3. Community
The Campfire Lounge System is designed to transform open space by drawing us together. Check it out here.

4. Daylight
Check out the Linear Wood Table Lamp by West Elm, it delivers warm, comforting light right to your desk.

references: https://www.steelcase.com/research/articles/topics/wellbeing/ideas-for-redefining-wellbeing/